Thursday, January 28, 2010


Last night, President Obama delivered the State of the Union address. I thoroughly enjoyed his speech. I love the fact that he has the ability to inspire and to give hope to the citizens of the U.S.

This morning I received an e-mail from a conservative group. I believe when I signed up to receive electronic copies of a certain newspaper, I was put on a list for this conservative group.
The group gave a survey that went something like......

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Obama spoke last night and the liberals were happy. We have to fight them and block all of their bills. Tell us what issues we should focus on.....etc.

The e-mail constantly used the word "Left." The tone was angry. It seemed as if the "conservatives" are an angry least that the feeling that the e-mail gave me.

Many politicians be of bipartisanship...but do they really mean it? I do not think so. I heard Republicans on Fox News stating they were planning meetings to find out what was wrong with President Obama's health reform plan before he even presented it to anyone? your plan is to find something wrong? What about what is good or right about it? Do you actually care about people having healthcare?

Unfortunately, it seems that most of the members of Congress are more concerned about who is in office and who has power. I do not believe they actually care about people...and it makes me sick!

When did politicians stop caring about the people? Thank God for President Barack Obama!

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